Parish Worship Leaders

At our worship services, you’ll notice that many members of the church are taking part and leading us. We believe in inclusive leadership and there are roles for anyone who’d like to take part. Whether you’re three or ninety-three, we’re happy to include you in our worship leader teams.

Some people serve as readers and they proclaim the stories from scripture. Others serve as intercessors who craft and then lead the prayers of the people. Still others serve at the table, as acolytes and communion ministers preparing the altar for communion, distributing bread and wine, and carrying the processional cross to guide us as we move from place to place. We take turns in the roles and follow a schedule we call the rota. To join in one of these roles, please speak to our priest about training and our the church office about scheduling.

There’s also a team of people called the Altar Guild. This team generally works behind the scenes to support our worship. They set up the holy vessels like the candles and silverware for communion and clean and store these items after worship. They launder the linens and decorate and shape the space for special services. To learn more or join the Altar Guild, please be in touch with Bente Willis.

It’s common to see children taking on the roles of worship leaders. They might read lessons, present scripture stories dramatically and creatively, and often help or “shadow” adults in the various roles. We’d be happy to include your child. Let us know if your child is interested by talking to the priest or one of the worship leaders.