It’s good to be reminded of our baptismal promises and of God’s grace and hope for us. From time to time in our life of worship, we renew our baptismal vows. The gathered community is called to renew their vows as part of each celebration of baptism. We also renew our baptismal vows on other occasions, such as the Baptism of the Lord, celebrated in January, or at the Easter Vigil.
For some, it may be appropriate to renew their vows in a separate rite. This might be a response to an intentional time of faith formation, similar to preparation for confirmation. Sometimes, following a time away from the life of the church, people wish to reaffirm and solemnize a renewed commitment to the life and mission of the Christian community. Or it might be part of one’s journey from one Christian tradition to another. For others, their faith journey simply leads to a desire to renew vows they took earlier.
Those interested in Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows should begin the conversation with our priest. A time of faith formation may be appropriate. The rite is most suitably celebrated at the Easter Vigil or when a bishop visits the parish. Other days in the church year are possible too.